β„οΈπŸŒΈβ˜€οΈπŸ it's a blue day
(new york city, philadelphia, englewood cliffs, fire island, ives trail, the meadowlands, chicago. 23-11-12 to 23-11-27)
β€§ΜΜŠΛ™Β· 𓆝.Β° ο½‘Λšπ“†›Λšο½‘ Β°.π“†ž Β·Λ™β€§ΜΜŠΛ™Β· 𓆝.Β° ο½‘Λšπ“†›Λšο½‘ Β°.π“†ž Β·Λ™β€§ΜΜŠΛ™Β· 𓆝.Β° ο½‘Λšπ“†›Λšο½‘ Β°.π“†ž Β·Λ™β€§ΜΜŠΛ™Β· 𓆝.Β° ο½‘Λšπ“†›Λšο½‘ Β°.π“†ž Β·Λ™β€§ΜΜŠΛ™Β· 𓆝.Β° ο½‘Λšπ“†›Λšο½‘ Β°.π“†ž Β·Λ™β€§ΜΜŠ

high quality download (.jpg, 0.98 GB, 51840 x 58320)
low quality download (.jpg, 24.4 MB, 11520 x 12960)


this piece is a collage, i guess. it is made up of 1159 images. 1155 of those images were taken by me while i was on vacation in new york.

as for the other 4:
image #0006 is the album cover for Lorde - Solar Power
image #0301 is a screenshot of Lorde's instagram story on 23-11-18
image #0889 is a screenshot of melafoundation.org on 23-11-22
image #1159 is the album cover for Lorde - Melodrama

the 1159 images that make up it's a blue day are laid out on a partially complete Hilbert curve
to see a drawing of how i arranged them (which is also the guide i used to arrange them), click here