❄️🌸☀️🍁 Zero​-​Point 62123688
--.. . .-. --- -....- .--. --- .. -. - -.... ..--- .---- ..--- ...-- -.... ---.. ---..

Zero​-​Point 62123688

duration 01h33m12s

click here for the list of source materials

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this piece is a zero-point composition. a "zero-point composition" is a model for plunderphonic composition for beginners i made up

here are the rules:
1. You must use the entirety of the source materials you choose
2. Those source materials must be played straight-through, from beginning to end (or end to beginning), with no artificially inserted silences
3. No, via copy and paste, lengthening or shortening the source material (time stretching, however, is allowed)

this piece is just a slowed-down version of zero​-​point 249246241