β„οΈπŸŒΈβ˜€οΈπŸ Naomi Ull

what have you been eating lately?


"i think they're better from afar
'cause no one here's gonna save us"

(we have to do that part ourselves)
- Nate Ruess, on the subject of stars



most recent work:
23-12-27 3 cheers for liberty!
24-01-11 it's a blue day
(new york city, philadelphia, englewood cliffs, fire island, ives trail, the meadowlands, chicago. 23-11-12 to 23-11-27)
24-03-18 RETRACTION NOTICE: big blue number four (Patchwork Release #2)
the jist of this album(?) is that it's just 4 hours of improv. the personal context of it is that i had just been forced out of high school band and all my friends were a year older than me and so i went and found another group of friends which i then promptly left for stupid reasons. this record is mostly just me being sad. it's the improv equivalent of watching someone sit in bed scrolling through youtube shorts for 4 hours. nobody wants to hear that (not even the person scrolling). i have left the recordings and webpage up for archive's sake. i do not wish to forget this ever existed, but i do wish to strongly warn against ever making something like it again. - Naomi